Wednesday, February 9, 2011

School again

We are back at it. I am making lesson plans and the kids have to sit at the kitchen table and do schoolwork. This time, I have them doing almost all the same lessons. They have their own vocabulary and spelling lists, but all of their Math, Grammar and Social Studies is the same. Its just easier that way.


We did the Unschooling thing. I like it. I think it is a GREAT idea. If you have different kids. Shannon and Tessa just don't cope with it very well. Like, as in, Shannon sat on her butt all day and whined if she was asked to do ANYTHING other than read whatever fantasy novel she was reading at the moment and Tessa drove everyone nuts all day long. If she wasn't preening in the mirror.

Now, we can fight about grades again. Oh joy.

I need to call Desert Marigold and see about enrollment :-)


  1. Desert Heights Charter School. I swear they'd like it.

  2. hahahahah!
    Remember the secret names, the ones we never say, the other ones for DMS?
    Don't forget.

  3. Well my dear...I think regular school is in have my vote!
