Monday, July 20, 2009

So scales finally kicked the bucket.
So did Moggs
Everyone was happy for Scales. He really did need to move on to fishy heaven.
Moggs made everyone very, very sad.

So we bought a new bunny. Beowulf.
Beowulf was a medieval warrior who was reputed to be invincible. I figured that since this is bunny number three, Beowulf is gonna need some serious invincibility on his side. 

Shannon learned an important lesson about responsibility this weekend. 

She had some paints in an art set. The art set was not supposed to be in her room. She hid it beneath the bed and a single tube of paint was not put all the way back into said art set. A blue tube of paint. Bright blue.

So the short story is, we now have a blue dog and blue spots on every carpet in the house. There is blue paint on the walls and on every floor. And did I mention that the dog is blue? 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I need to see blue dog pictures! So I bet her elbows are going to hurt from all the scrubbing eh!

    Sorry about Moggs and I'm excited to meet Beowulf! Does third bunny mean finally an indoor bunny?
