Oh man. What a month March was!
St. Patrick's day went pretty well (actually, pretty darn well) and things are winding up for recital and summer camp now.
Tessa's schedule is pretty much non-stop. But its fun and that's what matters. She has a sneaky side, though, and it gets her in a lot of trouble. She is very clever. Now, if she would just use those brains for good instead of evil...
Shannon is being Shannon. Its hard to get her to do anything on a daily basis. I pretty much have to sit on top of her to get her to focus and finish her schoolwork and chores. I have a tough time being easy on her. As soon as I let up, she takes advantage. Its like the saying "Give her an inch and she'll take a mile"...except it FEELS more like the way Sven puts it; "Give her a finger and she'll take your arm."
Here is a mild example:
Shannon: "Can I have some goldfish crackers"
Sarah: "Yes"
Five minutes later, I find her in the dining room with a CEREAL BOWL FULL of crackers. Pretty much the rest of what was left.
I guess we have a different opinion of what "some" means.
Some things just never change.
So now that April is suddenly and mercilessly upon me, recital has begun to register on my panic radar.
Recital is going to be SO FANTASTIC.
If it happens...
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