Today I got up. Then I called Holly. Holly and I talked...its what we do best.
I paid bills and sent the kids to the dance studio to "practice" or whatever it is they do while they are there. The Maytag repair man came over to tell us that our washing machine is beyond repair...and charged us $75. I paid more bills. Sunshine came over and we talked dresses. She left her kids at the studio to join S & T in whatever they were doing at the studio. Sophia came over to get her dress from Sunshine. Steve came with Sophia and the boys played Scrabble. Now we are deciding whether to got to the studio and practice or go to the screen printer to see about t-shirts.
And I am wondering how it got to be past noon...
I think it is funny that the repair man at least had the decency to tell us that we are lucky our washer lasted THIS long. Sigh. Shrug. All that stuff.
We ended up buying a washer and dryer instead and I didn't get to take my dress home:(