The girls helped paint and they have been helping set up the kitchen. Shannon decided that the best way to clean up spilled paint is to spit on it. Eeeeew. Seriously gross.
Shannon has four weeks to improve her school habits or she is going back to public school. I know, how many chances can one kid get? She is so happy around here, though. We'll see how many times I hit the roof in the next four weeks.
Tessa is learning how to control her facial expressions. I am seriously done with getting stink eye every time she gets a correction on her school work or her violin. She claims she doesn't know when she is doing it, oh man. I certainly hope she gets that under control. It would suck to be that nasty looking and not even know it :-)
On the upside, when she got in trouble at dance class last night, she was sincerely apologetic and managed to not give me any dirty looks or roll her eyes. There is hope!
The job hunt continues for Sven. I am just so glad that there is a hunt going on at all. Life feels like its on hold until money starts to flow in again. I guess that was why I needed to re-do the kitchen so badly. I really needed to feel like SOMETHING was moving in a positive direction. It worked, I think everyone feels better now.
Glad things are happy and moving forward in your household!!