What is new with us? The girls have learned some new words! I won't tell you what they are, but it sure is fun dealing with them.
We now have added a bunny to the menagerie. Moggs Bunnyhead. The cutest little lop-eared bunny ever.
We are constantly trying new things with Homeschooling. I recently made their schedules more specific, complete with times and assignment sheets. So far so good. But if there is one thing I have learned with these two, nothing works for long. They are like water, they will stay in their containers long enough to wear some cracks in the walls. Shannon especially likes to do this. Finding the cracks has always been her favorite pastime.
Speaking of water and containers. Our fish, Scales, is still hanging in there, but the kids are on daily death watch for this poor fish. This fish is pretty much the same age as the older dog and is barely moving around. She has survived the attack of the mosquito larvae and we cannot seem to keep the tank clean no matter what we do. Its terrible. Shannon recommended getting a new beta to help put Scales out of her misery. Great. Just what we need. Fish executions.
Indy (the Aussie pup) is being neutered this weekend and Shannon has decided to rail against this particular practice in true teenage "You old people have NO idea what you are doing" fashion. She feels that we are going to be taking Indy to the vet and they are going to "steal his soul". I am sure Sven might agree with her, but his desire to keep the dog from marking his territory is stronger than keeping the dog attached to his "soul". Its funny where men think the soul resides. Even funnier that Shannon agrees.
Tessa's ballet recital is this weekend and I am sure it will be full of dramatics and fun fun fun. Sven is actually going to be dancing with her. Well....he kind of stands there akwardly with a bunch of other dads, while the little girls dance around them. Pretty cute. We have a closet full of over priced costumes that we get to keep! Yay! Its kind of like being in a wedding. A lot of planning, practice and hoopla for three minutes on stage and much ado about one little girl.
Excuse me, it has now been twenty minutes since Shannon was supposed to start practicing and she has managed to do nothing, so I guess I am going to have to go and take care of that now.
That is absolutly hilarious! "you're going to steal his soul!" I love it! Good luck with the recital this weekend! I hope everything does great for both you and Tessa! P.S. My inbox shows she got her computer back!! ;)